Goals and Metrics: College of Medicine

Criteria Evaluation

The following is a summary of goals and metrics for Medicine.
To view metrics, data, and targets visit this page.

Goals Initiatives Metrics

1. Create a clinical interface that will allow all disciplines to bring their scholarship into the realm of human biology

  • Serve as campus nexus for interdisciplinary scholarship related to human health.

  • Hire a cadre of physician investigators essential to establish interdisciplinary collaborations. Hire additional clinical scholars in collaboration with our clinical partners.

  • Contribute to campus excellence in undergraduate education by bringing a unique medical and human biology perspective to appropriate programs, initiatives, curricula and support functions such as advising.
  • Integration of clinical and basic sciences across all four years of the medical curriculum.
Affil w/community providers
Capstone crses Human Health
Phys Scholars Tenure
Sustainable fund for clin ed
Translational Grants

2. Participate in the creation of the informatics initiative with an emphasis on health informatics

  • Work closely with NCSA, Computer Science, IGB, Engineering, MCB and GSLIS to establish a cohesive campus-wide informatics program with a significant health informatics component.

  • Develop a PhD program and provide informatics courses and curricular content.

  • Develop the Dept of Medical Information Sciences as a key participant in this cross-campus effort. Hire faculty jointly with NCSA and IGB as part of this effort.
  • something
Health Informatics faculty
Health Informatics grants
MSP in joint informatics pgms
Health focus in info degrees

3. Increase the opportunities for cross disciplinary doctoral education

  • Strengthen the Medical Scholars Program with sustainable funding and focused growth.

  • Expand the following selected areas to match the strengths and capabilities of the campus and the needs of society in human health research and care delivery: bioengineering, chemistry and drug discovery, bioinformatics, imaging and health policy.

  • Develop efforts in partnership with other units whose priorities include graduate student support.
  • Select industrial partners who view the program as a production pipeline for their future scientist and medical researchers.
Grad crses re human health
Training Grants w/other units
# PhD thesis w/trans bio foc
Medical Scholars Headcount

4. Develop an integrative evidence based approach to the medical curriculum

  • Generate data on the effectiveness of evidence-based medical education.

  • Establish a comprehensive program of evaluation to yield objective feedback and assist with generative effective educational strategies, and determining best practices in medical education.

  • Establish a high quality faculty development program to help faculty become effective educators.
Library Use
Medical educ grants
Performance on NBME Step 1
Performance on NBME Step 2
Local med education pub

5. Leadership for the 21st century

  • Expand the number of medical students educated at Urbana to address future health care needs in the region and nation.

  • Increase number of physician educators, basic science faculty and physician clinical faculty for teaching and public engagement projects.

  • Increase regional sites for clinical education to accommodate increased number of students and offer alternative specialty opportunities.

  • Ensure multicultural educational experiences and the development of cultural competencies through the comprehensive integration of these concepts into the medical education curriculum.

  • Promote academic excellence.
Graduation Rate
Retention Rate
% with a global exp
Resident placement top 10
# grad leadership career pos

6. Overall college metrics

  • Establish a novel public-private partnership to finance building of new facilities that will serve as the nexus for academic programs from across campus that directly impact human biology.

  • Expand the College's public engagement mission by partnering with campus units and communities across the state.

  • Continue to strengthen relationship with UIUC.
  • Establish a medical practice plan.

  • Establish a Physicians Assistant program.
Paid IUs/Faculty FTE
St/TuitInstrExp $/IU paid
St/TuitInstrExp $/advisee
Total IUs offered online
Sponsored Project $
Sponsored $/FTE Fac
All Advisees /Faculty FTE
Ten Sys Faculty % Undrrp
Ten Sys Faculty % Women
Academic Profnl % Undrrp
Civil Serv Staff % Women
Academic Profnl % Women
Civil Svc Staff % Undrrp
% Women students
% Underrep student