Our Process

Over the past two years the entire campus community has been working to express a shared vision for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This vision will allow us to strategically focus our intellectual and financial resources to face the challenges of our state, nation and world. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community and corporate leaders came together in our Visioning Future Excellence initiative to identify the grand societal challenges of the coming 20-50 years where Illinois can contribute solutions. Six critical, multidisciplinary themes emerged.

This framework - this identification of where we need to go - fed directly into the strategic planning process that began this fall. Again, faculty, staff, students, deans and campus administrators collaborated throughout this year to set out the broad strategic goals, actions and metrics for success that will guide our decisions and priorities over the next three years. With this framework and a clearer idea of where we believe we should be headed, we are positioning ourselves to make the moves now that will set the course of the campus for decades to come.